
Italeri 6859 English Knights Soldiers

English Knights Soldiers - Image 1
Asteikko: 1:32
Valmistaja: Italeri
Tuotekoodi: ita6859
Nykyinen saatavuus: ei saatavilla
Viimeksi käytetty: 7.3.2011
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Tuotteen koodiita6859
Paino0.24 kg
Lisätty luetteloon:30.10.2004
Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Italia
Vastuullinen tahoItaleri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Italia

The Hundred Years' War is an armed conflict of 1337-1453 between France and England. It should be added here that it was interrupted by numerous truces and peace, but it did not end until 1453. From the very beginning of the conflict, archers, armed with the so-called English longbows. It is worth adding that the English army first interacted with this weapon during the fighting in Wales in the 13th-14th centuries, and it was relatively quickly adapted by them. Long bows were already particularly effective during the Battle of Crecy in 1346. In literature you can even find the term that it was "the triumph of the long bow". Considering the above, it is not surprising that in the course of subsequent expeditions to France, archers in the English army constituted from 60 to even 80% of the manpower! It is estimated that during the Battle of Agincourt they constituted just 80% of the English forces. However, next to archers, an important element of the English foot troops were also soldiers defined by the very broad term men-at-arms. Among them, we can mention mainly spearmen and pikemen, armed with spears, halberds or pikes. As a defensive weapon, they most often used simple helmets and chain mail or armor like brigantines. In general, it should be assumed that throughout the entire Hundred Years' War (up to its last stage, perhaps), the British infantry had a greater combat value than their French counterpart.

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Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Italia
Vastuullinen tahoItaleri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) Italia


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Lisätty luetteloon: 30.10.2004
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Asteikko: 1:72
Valmistaja: Italeri
Tuotekoodi: ita6027
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Asteikko: 54mm
Valmistaja: M-Model
Tuotekoodi: MMO32052
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€11.09 tai 6900 kohta